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A friend of mine found the game via the OST on youtube,

and since it's free,i decided to stream it to him and see how it is

we both ended up liking the game!

so i decided to write my thoughts about it,i'm sorry for the clunky english

it's not my first language

First thing first,i want to praise the artstyle as the game has a strong sense of visual idenity via the way the character portraits are drawn,the white outline also makes them pop out more which is a nice touch

i really like the outside areas as they give me storybook esque vibes,i don't know if that's what you wanted to go for but i ended up really liking the areas

The ost is also so wonderful,it made me feel rather fuzzy and warm as it felt welcoming and joyous,best way i can put it is that it made me feel like a kid again

Writing wise,i'd say it's rather good for what we got

the info dump at the start gives you the gist about the creation of the world,

would like to see if there's any more demons like rubrummers/get more info on them as i'm curious on how they will play into the story

i also found the writing rather funny at times,mainly thanks to weron and etas interactions,kinda reminded me of how i talk with my friend haha

my only critism is that i wish there was more interactability,i would love to see more minigames like taking water out of the well as that segment was a pleasent suprise

overall,i can't wait for chapter 3


why is every character hot.... but great visuals and cool worldbuilding


hey yook, weron is so cute, and i feel so bad for esta, she's just like me frfr


very good game 10/10 doesn't get better than this 🫡 honoured to have voice acted the cat 

my best voice actor


lovely art and character design!!!1!1! also bonus points for being able to make the cat meow. incredible inspriring majestic lifechanging



The cat should be named milk though


So a bit late to put it here, but yeah~

I love it! The artstyle is so pleasant to see, dreamy and whimsical. Combined with the music it's just, lighthearted creamy coffee~

Story seems to be going into the long route, but I'm-a-okay with it!

There are a few things that can be improved such as some objects blends too much with the background making them harder to spot & Weron suddenly disappearing mid-cutscene haha

One small quality of life thing that can be improved is probably the addition of auto-sprint on/off options & the ability to just scroll to the most recent or empty save files, but those are just some minor qol things~

Hi, it seems  the automatic install for the Chapter 1 + 2 isn't working due to the demo not being specified for platform download! That's all!


thank you for telling me! it's been fixed now

Can you tell me the estimated time to rundown through each chapter? Thanks <3


i cannot tell you for each individual chapter however most of my testers took from 1 to 2 hours for the whole demo. hope this helps

Thank you!